Tuesday, November 19, 2013

This dude is famous

We're convinced that every town has it's own celebrity. Sometimes it's a police officer or firefighter who saved a bunch of people. Sometimes it's a news reporter or something, a true personality. In our town, the big celebrity is none of these things. To be honest, we're not 100% certain why he's famous.

Meet the Big B.

No, not that bee.
At first glance, the Big B is nothing special. He isn't anybody particularly important. He works at a convenience store. He isn't connected to anyone important. Still, people love him.

Weird, right?
When you go into the store, if there are two cashiers working, more people wait in the Big B's line. We were in a different store one day. The guy in front of us suddenly whooped. "Sorry," he said. "I'm just super excited. I just got a text from the Big B. We're going clubbing!"

We are not immune to the allure of the B. We refer to buying a drink from the convenience store as "getting some ice cold Big B." One day, the Big B came into Tartarus and walked right up to Spoof. We could hardly speak, we were so shocked and happy to see him.  

We didn't quite beg him for a photo.

So, in conclusion, we don't understand the pull of the Big B. We just know how things are. Who knows, we might have more B stories for you someday soon.

Here are the SNL bees one more time, just because.

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